Update: Books left to read in 2021 (and beyond)

Happy Monday y’all! I hope everyone had a great weekend (whether you celebrate Christmas or not- my family celebrates the commercialized version of Christmas where we get each other gifts, but we’re not Christian, so we don’t do any of the religious aspects). The weather was gorgeous here all weekend, so we spent a good amount of time outside (my dog loved running around in the backyard, terrorizing the squirrels). All of that family time and enjoying the outside time meant one very important thing though- no time to read! I have quite a few books I need to catch up on (lots of books sent to me from Forever and Grand Central Publishing that I need to read and review) and I have a good number of books to get ahead of for 2022- 3 of my ARCs come out on the 4th and I have 7 that I need to read for the 18th, plus I have 6 books checked out from the library, and there are some backlist ARCs that I was hoping to get to before the end of the year, so lots of reading to do!

Let’s talk through the books I’m (hopefully) going to be reading in the next week (so through January 3rd, which I know goes into 2022, but shhh, for this exercise, I’m going to count them):

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